Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I would love to visit ...

Well I think that is difficult to say just one country that I would like to visit, because there are many places in the word that I would like to go, but I think that one of the countries that I would like to visit the most is Spain.

This country, from my point of view is very interesting, the first thing that I like a lot of the people form there is the way that they speak the Spanish, so different to us! I don´t really know why but it seem to me that they have a beautiful accent and it also capture my attention the way that they use the same word to refer very different things, but the language it´s just a superficial thing. I also like Spain because of their culture, the way that people live, the open mind that characterise many people in Europe, all the culture that they have around them, years of history that today we can see in many constructions and monuments, expressions of sensitive minds that many artist that were living there...

I would like to travel around Europe, but to have my place in Madrid, I would like to study there after to finish the University, so I think that very soon this could be possible!

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