Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My home!

Hi! Today I´m going to talk about my home.  Now  I´m living in a flat, but I have lived in 5 different places . The thing is that I´m from Iquique, and before I get here, when I was living there, I change house twice. The first place was a small house where beside from my parents and brother, lived also my grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousin. I move from there with my parents, brother and grandmother, when I was five years old. Then we lived in a house for like 10 years. The last time we moved I had around 15 years old. That is the house where my parents, grandmother and the family of my brother live now; it is a big house, with many rooms and bathrooms, it has a big yard and also a pool, I like it a lot. When I´m on vacations I stay there, but in the concrete is not my house anymore.
The third time I moved was for lived in a flat in Viña del Mar, when I started the University, in that time my brother and I where studying in the city. When I changed the career I moved from there to the place I live now. It a flat too but is bigger, has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, a nice kitchen, a great dining and living room.   It´s pretty big and I lived alone, so is very comfortable and I can do whatever I want, I have the freedom to use any bedroom whenever I need. I like that because sometimes my classmates stay at my home when we have to make a work for the University, my friends and family stay too when they go visit me. I like to have all these place to myself and to have the breathing space to do whatever I need.        

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you! I live in a small flat, so when I have visitors I have to sleep on the sofa.
