Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My experience learning English at the university

When you go to the University you suppose to take some classes that correspond to your career, in addition, the University follow an educational model based on form integral professionals, make you take some other subjects, like CFG () sports or English, and you must to take them, in other way you can’t  graduate form University. The thing is that nobody ask the students if these obligatory subjects are really been necessaries to their professional training. Well, thinking in that I’m going to talk you about my experience learning English at the University…

I remember in the first year of classes, when somebody told me and my classmates that we must to take an English exam to evaluate our knowledge in this area. I thought that maybe it wouldn’t be so difficult to me because since I was like eleven years old until I was around thirteen I took some classes of English in a language academy, also I had English during high and secondary school, so English to me was very familiar and I had even enjoyed to learn it. After that, “the exam at the University wouldn’t be so difficult to pass” I was thinking. But I was totally wrong.

We took the exam at the computer lab. It has two parts, one consisted in recognized words and complete sentences and the other of audio compression. In this one, the earphones were not being working so I couldn’t respond correctly the item. That makes me loose some points. At the same time, because I couldn’t ear. I miss many words, unfinished the exam. Because of that I must took level two, three and four.
While I was at the second level, the miss told me if I wanted to move to the fourth level immediately, I say yes! but after that I was disappointed because the English class at level fourth couldn’t match with my schedule. So, I resigned and took the levels.

In conclusion this experience helps me to improve my skills in English. Even if I wasn’t totally happy with doing almost all levels, this helps me to practice my speaking, to get better my grammar and my listening. Instead I wouldn’t do it again.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My home!

Hi! Today I´m going to talk about my home.  Now  I´m living in a flat, but I have lived in 5 different places . The thing is that I´m from Iquique, and before I get here, when I was living there, I change house twice. The first place was a small house where beside from my parents and brother, lived also my grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousin. I move from there with my parents, brother and grandmother, when I was five years old. Then we lived in a house for like 10 years. The last time we moved I had around 15 years old. That is the house where my parents, grandmother and the family of my brother live now; it is a big house, with many rooms and bathrooms, it has a big yard and also a pool, I like it a lot. When I´m on vacations I stay there, but in the concrete is not my house anymore.
The third time I moved was for lived in a flat in ViƱa del Mar, when I started the University, in that time my brother and I where studying in the city. When I changed the career I moved from there to the place I live now. It a flat too but is bigger, has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, a nice kitchen, a great dining and living room.   It´s pretty big and I lived alone, so is very comfortable and I can do whatever I want, I have the freedom to use any bedroom whenever I need. I like that because sometimes my classmates stay at my home when we have to make a work for the University, my friends and family stay too when they go visit me. I like to have all these place to myself and to have the breathing space to do whatever I need.